Vortragssaal, Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar, Petersgraben 27, 4051 Basel
Departement Künste, Medien, Philosophie
3. Basler Nietzsche-Vorlesung

In Nietzsche’s objections “contra Wagner” it is good to distinguish two fundamental targets, closely intertwined to be sure, but nevertheless separable. First, there were the institutions the composer created to promote and perpetuate his art, the whole phenomenon of “Bayreuth:” the Festival, the periodical, as well as the Wagnerites—the patrons and associated propagandists and hangers-on. And second, there was the art itself. For the “Bayreuth,” Nietzsche had nothing but contempt. Wagner’s art, he thought, was in fact diametrically opposed to what the “Bayreuth” made of it. Far from being German and nationalist, it was cosmopolitan and decadent. The notion of “decadence” (in Nietzsche’s vocabulary at once a term of praise and an objection) lies at the center of the diagnosis given in The Case of Wagner. The lecture will examine the validity of the philosopher’s principal arguments “contra Wagner” and imagine the counter-arguments that might be derived from the composer’s oeuvre “contra Nietzsche.”
Karol Berger ist Professor in Fine Arts am Department of Music der Stanford Universityund einer der profiliertesten und produktivsten Musikforscher unserer Zeit. In seinen Schriften, die detailreiche Musikanalysen mit markanten Einsichten in Kulturtheorie und Ideengeschichte verbinden, hat er weit über seine Disziplin hinaus Wirkung entfaltet. Unter den zahlreichen Ehrungen, die ihm für sein wissenschaftliches Werk zuteil wurden, sind neben internationalen Wissenschaftspreisen die Mitgliedschaften in der American Academy of Arts and Sciences und der Polish Academy of Sciences sowie bedeutende Gastprofessuren zu nennen: So war er u.a. Visiting Professor am Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies und Senior Fellow des EURIAS. Zu seinen Büchern gehören Musica Ficta (Cambridge University Press 1987), A Theory of Art (Oxford University Press 2000), Bach‘s Cycle, Mozart‘s Arrow (University of California Press 2007) und Beyond Reason: Wagner contra Nietzsche (University of California Press 2017).
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